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Feed Focus - Forget-Me-Not-Farm Complete Chaff

We spoke to Forget-Me-Not-Farm about Complete Chaff, here's what they said....

As a new brand, tell us a bit about your approach to horses and their feeding.
Forget-Me-Not Farm feeds is trying to make feeding your horse or pony simple and fun. It’s a complete feed, so you only need to give two to six scoops a day to ensure that he or she is getting everything they need.  The pink bale featuring Vanilla, Forget-Me-Not Farm’s chief taster, is sure to appeal to the brand’s target market of younger riders.

What does Complete Chaff contain? 
Forget-Me-Not Farm Complete Vanilla Chaff is a high-fibre feed containing soft chopped straw, pellets, soya oil for coat shine, vitamins and minerals – with a light sprinkling of vanilla.

As this chaff is ‘complete’, does that mean an additional balancer isn’t required? Can it be fed with hard feed? 
The boffins at Forget-Me-Not Farm have done all the techy stuff, so it’s easy to feed. Two to six scoops (depending on the size of your horse or pony) is all you need for your bucket feed to ensure that he or she is receiving a balanced diet.  As long as you're feeding at the recommended levels, no additional mix, cubes or supplements are required.

What kind of horse might enjoy Complete Chaff? 
Any horse or pony!  It's high-fibre, low in sugar and starch, and is ideal for a horse or pony in light work or at rest.

Why does it contain vanilla?
Vanilla is included to tempt the fussiest of feeders. Vanilla, our chief taster, highly recommends it!

Posted: 29/01/2013 09:33:07
