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Feeding an overweight pony

An overweight pony is as unhealthy as one that is underweight and can lead to more complex health issues later down the line.  So, what can you do when your pony has piled on the pounds?

Strip grazing or making a pen with electric fencing or specialist metal fence panels can work well and means that your pony will only be eating the grass as it grows. As they eat a section down, the fence can be moved slightly. This method relies on suitable fencing and regular poo picking so the pasture stays in good shape. However, even then grass can grow quickly and ponies that are already overweight will maintain weight – they need to be monitored carefully to make sure it doesn’t increase.

Some owners without access to strip grazing fencing use grass muzzle, particularly in the morning when the grass sugar levels are high. A suitable muzzle should fit well, not rub, and have a hole at the bottom so the pony can drink and nibble at small amounts of grass. This method can work well for ponies that aren’t keen on being stabled, but relies on the owner being present to put on and remove the muzzle.

Another approach is to restrict grazing by keeping ponies stabled during the hours of the day when the sugar levels in the grass are at their highest. If you are choosing this option, consider feeding very well soaked hay (to remove the sugars) hung in a small holed hay net. This will provide some restricted low calorie feed and will mean your pony will be kept busy in his stable. Stable toys can also help keep ponies occupied so they are thinking less about their bellies!

It is important to remove grain and other concentrated sources of calories from diet, ideally gradually, until weight is lost, but it is important to ensure that the horse is being fed a high fibre, low calorie diet, to support his digestive system.

Strict as it may seem, you also need to consider the feeding of “treats” like apples and carrots as these all contain extra calories. Stick to a couple of grass nuts that are still a treat but not so sugar laden.

Lastly, look towards increasing your pony’s exercise programme. Diet can have a massive impact on weight loss, but exercise will support this further and will add to many other areas of wellbeing, plus you get to enjoy your pony too!

Posted: 08/11/2016 14:44:52
