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Why feed High Fibre Nuts?

Dodson & Horrell’s High Fibre Nuts are ideal for good doers and those who are in light work or at rest…and they are very easy to feed too.

Each scoop contains low calorie nuts which are 95% whole cereal free, with high levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which can, when fed at the correct levels, remove the need for an additional broad spectrum supplement/balancer.

The nuts use a blend of different fibres to help keep the hind gut healthy and are an easy way to increase the amount of fibre in the horse’s diet. As they are low calorie, they can be fed to a wide range of horses, including those with laminitis, as part of their hard feed ration and even as a partial forage replacer for older horses.

Find more about High Fibre Nuts here

Posted: 31/10/2013 14:36:56
