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Balancers with less calories

As the grass emerges and hard feed drops off, it’s not uncommon for people to feed their horses pelletised balancers as a way to help ‘balance’ the diet and provide all the important vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed to help keep the horse healthy. Here, were look at some of the low calorie pellet balancer options:

Baileys Lo-Cal- as the name suggests, this nutrient dense pellet contains all the horse or pony needs for heath and well being…but with a minimal calorie content.

Spillers Lite Balancer- suitable for good doers, overweight horses and ponies and those prone to laminitis, it contains a comprehensive blend of vitamins and minerals to balance the diet with a number of added ingredients too.

TopSpec Lite Balancer- designed for horses and ponies that need their weight controlled; they are usually good-doers and may be overweight. These are the horses and ponies for whom every single calorie counts.



Posted: 03/06/2013 15:53:01
