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What is devil's claw and why do people feed it to horses

Devil’s claw is a plant found in Southern and Eastern Africa.  The name comes from the fruit which is covered in tiny hooks. It is the tubers of the plant that are used to create the supplement.  Devil’s claw can be used by humans but can also be used in horses and dogs.

The herb cannot be used during competitions. The main use of devil’s claw is in easing joint pain and stiffness, soothing muscle pain and easing the pain caused by bumps, knocks and strains.  It is mostly used as a tonic in older horses. It can also be used alongside other herbs, and supplements are available where it is combined with ingredients such as glucosamine and MSM. It can be extremely fast acting and can help support mobility and suppleness.

If you’re considering adding devil’s claw to your horse’s diet, it might be a good idea to speak to your horse’s vet, to ensure that it’s the right supplement to use. Alternatively, many supplement manufacturers have free advice lines that you can call.

Have a look at the products we sell with devil’s claw here:

NAF Devil’s Relief

Dodson & Horrell Mobility

Dodson & Horrell Devil’s Claw Root

Posted: 13/11/2014 13:44:39
