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We asked Emma Hurrell, BSc (Hons) at Allen and Page some questions about Fast Fibre. Emma is one of the company’s equine nutritionists.

Why is it called ‘fast’ fibre?

Fast Fibre is very high in fibre and its unique recipe means it soaks in less than a minute!

Does it have to be soaked before feeding or can it also be fed in the dry state?

Fast Fibre must always be soaked before feeding as it contains unmolassed sugar beet.  Simply use 1 part feed to 2 parts water, wait 30-60 seconds and you will have a nice soft mash that is ready to feed. A soaked feed can be particularly beneficial for horses and ponies with dental problems and helps to increase the amount of water consumed.

What kind of horse or pony could eat Fast Fibre?

Fast Fibre is a versatile feed suitable for a range of horses and ponies including; laminitics, horses with dental problems and good doers. It is ideal for horses and ponies that suffer from laminitis because it is very low in starch and sugar. It is an ideal base feed and can be used as a hay replacer for horses and ponies that can no longer manage long-stem fibre such as hay due to its very high fibre content. It is also a great choice for good doers and for horses and ponies at rest to light work because it is a low energy feed.

Can it be fed to horses with dental issues?

Yes! It is ideal for horses and ponies that suffer from dental problems or for those with few teeth, who can no longer manage long-stem fibre, because being a soaked feed it forms a nice soft mash.

Should it be fed with a balancer?

For many horses and ponies, Fast Fibre will
provide a balance of essential vitamins and minerals without the need for supplements, when fed at an appropriate quantity for the horse’s size and workload.

To find out more about Fast Fibre or to order online, click on
fast fibre.

Posted: 17/09/2013 14:33:03
